Shefki Hysa, the international Governor of Peace

Shefki Hysa, the well-known writer and publicist, was born in Erseka on July 20, 1957 in an intellectual family. His father, Mazar Hysa, was a teacher with the Vlachs at that time and followed their pastoral pilgrimage; he spent the summer in ”Gramoz” mountains in the district of Kolonja, headquartered Erseka, and spent the winter in Saranda, always concerned for the education of the shepherds’ children. All his family lived in Shalës, Konispol. The mother of Shefki, Bahrieja, at first sight, a thin woman, but extremely smart, who enriched the mind and soul every day with the numerous books that her husband brought her, was a housewife and migrated alongside her husband to take care of their new family. Shefki Hysa belongs to an old patriot tribe settled in Shalës of Konispol about the 18-th century, perhaps in the period of the Muslim influence of this region, since it is considered as one of the first seven founding families of Shalës village, according to the people’s memories. As we can see, they were a rich family, dealing with livestock and agriculture, they had many forests, pasture and cropland, and therefore they were patriots and would protect with blood their home, fatherland – Chameria, from the separator intentions of Greek invasion. The grandfather of Shefki, the well-known patriot Shefki Hoxha (they were religious from generation to generation and that’s why they also kept the surname “Hoxha”), was known as one of the founders of the first patriots’ clubs of Konispol and Filat, as a donor of the first schools in the Albanian region Chameria (Konispol, Filat and Gumenica), as a financer of the war of Vlora against the Italian invader in 1920 and as a fierce opponent of all powers, as with the Turkish and later with the royal power of Ahmet Zogu.
In the 20 years, Shefki Hoxha was distinguished as a democrat, supporter of Fan S. Noli and his reformist government, despite the fact that his numerous properties that he had put up with efforts and hard work could be affected. This was one of the reasons why he was imprisoned by the king Ahmet Zogu in Lezha prison. Even for this reason the popular poet of the region sang: “Telegrams come and go, / to raise gendarmes, / a rebellion was spoken for, / Chameria don’t obey the king, / his majesty Ahmet. / In Shalës they took Shefki, / in Konispol, Maze Haminë / and also Xhafo Pandalejmoni”… / Shefki Hoxha got sick in the prison of Lezha and died in 1936, due to the infirmities of imprisonment. The father of Shefki Hysa, Mazar, has been persecuted as anti-communist from the dictatorship, although their home in Shalës was the main support of the anti-Nazi fascist war, partisan’s basis. In 1960 Mazar Hysa was fired from education, because of his nationalist brother, Sadedin Hoxha, shot without trial by the Communists on November 13 of 1943 at the Partisan hospital of Theollogos, Saranda district. So, finally their family was involved by the blind mechanism of the war classes, which seriously affected even the dreamer young boy Shefki Hysa, after the death of his father, Mazar, in 1976. Mazar Hysa, the father of the writer Shefki Hysa, left this world with the bitter taste of this life. He died with pain that he couldn’t fix his son as he had dreamt during the persecution period from the communist regime. However Shefki Hysa, son of Mazar, has managed to survive, thanks to the genes inherited from his ancestors. Shefki Hysa began the primary and secondary school in the village of Shalës, Konispol. He started the agriculture high school in 1972 and completed in 1976 at Konispol, in the region of Chameria. (The communist power of that period had obligated him to attend the agricultural school, not the high school, because of his “bad” biography, as a rich and anti-communist family by the origin and for the fact of his uncle, Sadedin Hoxha, nationalist, political executed.
After ten years Jack London’s efforts in 1985, the talented boy Shefki Hysa won the right of studying literature at the University of Tirana. It was the insistence of the well-known Albanian writer Dritëro Agolli, who by his position as Chairman of the Albania’s League of Writers and Artists, helped this new talent. Dritëro Agolli, as in some other cases with talents who came from the anti-communist Albanian social classes, as in the case when the right of publication was denied to the poet Namik Mane, he imposed himself to the totalitarian power structures to review the biography of the novelist Shefki Hysa. After that, he was given the denied right to study at the University of Tirana. In 1989 he graduated for language-literature at the Faculty of History and Philology of the University of Tirana. Meanwhile he continued to write and publish short stories and publicistics. So finally Shefki Hysa was valued for his talent as a prose writer with a remarkable creative individuality, as the critics expressed for his first lyric short stories, welcomed by the public and literary readers. “My dear narrator, with strange observations and sensitive feelings; a writer always appreciated by me and others,” – that is how Dritëro Agolli expressed himself, enthusiastic for the literary future of Shefki Hysa and he would never be disappointed. Over the years, his name stood out in newspapers and magazines as a writer with a special individuality, with the creativity that contained to the Albanian national issue. During 1991-1997 Shefki Hysa has worked as a journalist for the newspaper “Çamëria” and as chief editor for the newspapers “Kombi” and “Dielli”. In the meantime he has carried out several specializations in the fields of journalism, publications and public and international relations. Since 1997 and on, Shefki Hysa has worked in the Administration of the Parliament of Albania. Meanwhile he has founded and continues to lead the Cultural Community of Chameria (Cultural Association “Bilal Xhaferri”) and the Publishing House “Bilal Xhaferri”. The writer Shefki Hysa is a secretary of the Albania’s League of Writers and Artists. He is one of the most prolific creators of post-communist era, after 1990, when the communist regime in Albania collapsed. The writer Shefki Hysa has published many books like: “Turtullesha dhe djalli” (The turtledove and the devil), stories (1992), published by “Bilal Xhaferri” Publishing House; “Robër të paqes” (Peace Hostages), novel (1994), published by “Bilal Xhaferri” Publishing House; “Parajsa e mallkuar” (The cursed Paradise) novel (1997), published by “Bilal Xhaferri” Publishing House; “Rrëfimet e një hajduti” (Confessions of a thief), stories (1999), published by “Arbëria” Publishing House; “Aromë Çamërie” (Chameria Flavor), stories (2004), published by “Bilal Xhaferri” Publishing House; “Mrekullitë e rreme” (False Miracles), stories (2005) publication of the “Bilal Xhaferri” Publishing House, ISBN 99927-960-0-6; “Diplomacia e vetëmohimit” (Diplomacy of self-denial), publicistic (2005) publication of “Kristalina KH” Publishing House, etc. The writer Shefki Hysa has often translated and edited other authors’ books. Among others he is editor of the novel “Lavirja e denjë pë respect” (The Prostitute worthy for respect), (1992), of the writer Jean Paul Sartre; editor of the romance “Dashuri fatale” (Fatal Love), (1992), of the writer Alfred de Musset; editor of the romance “Dashuri e përgjakur (Përtej largësive)”, (Bloody Love (Beyond distances)), (1992), of the writer Bilal Xhaferri; editor of the novel “Kreshta e Krujës (Ra Berati)” (The crest of Kruja (Berat ceded)), (1993), of the writer Bilal Xhaferri; editor of the novel “Kur dynden Vikingët” (When the Vikings flock), (1993), of the writer Pjetër Arbnori; editor of the romance “Bukuroshja me hijen” (The beauty with the shadow), (1994), of the writer Pjetër Arbnori; editor of poetry volume “Pjergulla e lotëve” (Pergola of tears), (1995), of the poet Namik Mane; editor of stories volume “Një natë e zakonshme” (One ordinary night), (2003), of the author Namik Mane; editor of the novel “Me putrat tona shëtitëm botën” (We have traveled the World with our paws), (2007), of the writer Xhulia Xhekaj, etc., etc., literary-publicistic various publications and editions of him and other authors. The intellectual Shefki Hysa since 1995 continues to publish and edit as chief editor the monthly magazine “Eagle’s Wing”, a political, cultural, literary and social magazine, published first in 1971, in two languages, Albanian and in English, as a body of Chams League in Chicago, the USA.
The first founder, editor and leader of the magazine “Eagle’s Wing” was Bilal Xhaferri, poet, prose-writer and a well-known dissident publicist, who was born on November 2, 1935 at Ninat, of the Konispol region. After an immense literary-publicist activity, he died in exile (fleeing Albania in 1969 as an anti-communist nationalist) on October 14, 1986 in Chicago, in the USA. “The Eagle’s Wing” magazine was a forum of free democratic thinking basically by anticommunist, anti-dictatorial and anti-enverist inclinations, which aimed the union of all Albanian political forces in exile, the unification of thought, programs and their goals for a free Pro-Western Albania. The pages of the magazine “Eagle’s wing” dealt largely with the Albanian national issues, especially Chams issues, the problem of Kosovo, the remaining territories outside the parent tree, Albania, and also the problems of the Albanian communities worldwide and Diaspora. The writer Bilal Xhaferri managed to publish 39 editions of this magazine. Since 1995 and on the “Eagle’s Wing” magazine continues to be published in Tirana, as the official journal of the Cultural Association “Bilal Xhaferri” (The Cultural Community of Chameria) founded and directed by journalist and well-known writer Shefki Hysa, who initiated the return of Bilal Xhaferri bones in Albania and the glorification of the extraordinary values of this rare personality, persecuted and forgotten by the communist dictatorship in Albania. The writer Shefki Hysa, as editor and chief editor of the monthly magazine “Eagle’s wing”, with his contributions and those of his friends, was able to publish more than 80 editions and continues insisting to glorify this pedestal of free thinking, following Bilal Xhaferri’s ideals. The ideal of the writer Shefki Hysa: Chameria, ethnic Albania, Peace and Prosperity worlwide. When you closely know him, but also in the eyes of the readers and in the opinion of the Albanian media, the writer Shefki Hysa, this well-known personality of Albanian letters, is never satisfied enough with the successes and achievements. He, as a marathoner, always runs in search of innovations and the values of the Albanian society and the entire human society. The writer Shefki Hysa is always unremitting, as his quick step with the vigor of a boyish soul.
With the encouragement of his rare friend Ibrahim Rugova, Kosova’s president, the writer Shefki Hysa, implemented one of the most beautiful ideas of Richard Holbrooke, U.S ambassador, the man who gave the troubled Balkans that peaceful shape that has today. So, along with several foreign diplomats, friends of Ambassador Holbrooke, he established the international organization “Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity”, conceived in the form of a peace mission that lobbies for Peace and Prosperity in the Balkans and the World, according to the best model that the American democracy offers for the countries under development.
The missionary Shefki Hysa, governor of this lobbing organization, with his work once again demonstrated that any of his initiative has as a reward only the success in favor of Peace and Prosperity.
It was exactly this new venture that would focus even more the writer Shefki Hysa in the work of the unremitting missionary for Peace and Prosperity. As a missionary of peace, he began to create many new connections with the intellectual world, inside and outside Albania. Thanks to the continuous work full of success, his name and biography are included in many prestigious encyclopedia of the world.
The visionary Shefki Hysa with his work and indomitable will as a leader-missionary, with the skills and the professionalism to cooperate with other personalities like: Dr. Madhu Krishan, founder and chairman of AUGP, Dr. Mohamed Barhoumi, Ambassador of Human Rights Organization, Dr. William Weiss, Ambassador Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Dr. Haissam Bou Said, Ambassador of IHRC, Dr. Muhammad Shahid Amin Khan, Word Chairman of IHRC, Jesus Gary Domingo, Minister and Consul General at Philippine Mission to the UN, Ryszard Cwikla, Chairman of I-SUN-VV, etc., who lobby for peace in the world, in a short time managed to expand its network of associates and partners in many countries, in several continents.
Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity (DMPP) now collaborates with many analogous organizations to the UN, among others with Academy of Universal Global Peace (AUGP), United Nations University For Global Peace (UNUGP), American Diplomatic Mission For World Peace (ADMWP). American Diplomatic Mission For International Relations (ADMIR), Amnesty International, Human Right Watch, International Service for Human Rights, Human Rights Foundation, Freedom House, People to People International, Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, Greenpeace, Diplomatic Society of St. Gabriel (Knights of Saint Gabriel), International Alliance of Catholic Knights, International Human Rights Commission, Planet Diplomat, Academy of American Poets, American National Standards Institute etc. The leader Shefki Hysa is honored by AUGP (Academy of Universal Global Peace) with the title Doctor of International Diplomacy (Honoris Causa) and is part of the board of directors of this organization.
Dr. Shefki Hysa is a model of the virtuous man, willing to sacrifice for Peace and Prosperity. He is a warrior of peace in the full sense of this word.
Dr Hysa is also International Honorary Rector of University Logos, Miami, Florida; Doctor of Literature, American “Vox Dei” University, Florida, USA; Doctor Honoris Causa of International Diplomacy, American Pontifical Catholic University, Florida, USA ; Honorary Doctor of Human Relations, University Logos, Miami, Florida; Honorary Professor, American Pontifical Catholic University, Florida, USA; Doctor Honoris Causa of Philosophy in International Diplomacy, Academy of Universal Global Peace; International Governor in Albania of Academy of Universal Global Peace etc.
For his contributions in the field of Peace and Prosperity, for establishing regional Peace in the Balkans and Europe, for his voluntary work he has been honored twice by the White House with the title: Lifetime Achievement Award by President Barack Obama an President Donald Trump.
He has also received the titles “Kentucky Colonel” by the Governor Steven L. Beshear and Arkansas Traveler, Ambassador of Good Will of Arkansas.

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